The power and opportunity of ageing well
Do you know who you’d like to be in 20 years time? In 30 years?
What you’d like to be doing? What you’d like to be feeling? How you’ll be reflecting back?
Because creating momentum for long term health starts here.
Even on the midlife and menopause rollercoaster.
What do I mean?
I have a vision for my next stage of life.
I’m going to be climbing mountains, travelling to see friends and relatives, I’m going to be campaigning for causes I feel passionate about, lifting as heavy as I can, and stunning the younger generation with my press ups and dance skills. I’ll feel like I’ve led and am leading a purpose-driven life. I might even be writing a few books along the way. And I’ll be nourished by naps and great food.
There’s no magic pill for the purpose driven, mountain climbing, multi passionate, and sociable old woman I want to be.
It’s about taking action now, in midlife.
To protect my health - bones, brain, heart, and all that. Knowing what I want to create. Having the energy to create it. And NOT depleting myself along the way. Saying ‘no’ and setting clear boundaries.
And it’s about creating the optimistic attitude DESPITE all that midlife keeps throwing my way.
And I want to share with you the evidence-based, and effective strategies for doing the same thing.
So that you can live up to the energetic old wise woman you can be.
And, guess what, they don't involve going to the gym everyday, hours of meal prep or bucketfuls of supplements.
Simple, easy to action advice.
Join me on in my next workshop on Monday 24th February at 6:30pm for an hour of wisdom, inspiration, and terrible jokes.
Because I’m working on creating long-term laughter lines.
This is not a free workshop. But at £35 I think it’s a steal!
You’ll be inspired, feel more positive about ageing, and feel both energised and relaxed as a result.
It’s on Zoom. There will be a recording.
You’ll love it.
Spaces are limited to 10 to keep it small and your questions heard.
See you there