What have you already tried when it comes to your mid life wellbeing?

Many of my clients have been struggling with different aspects of their wellbeing for a while. 

They’re not sure what will work.

If they need to ‘fix’ their hormones, their mood, their weight gain, their energy, or their job. 

They’ve seen personal trainers, or nutritional therapists. 

They’ve joined online courses, or diet clubs. 

They’ve signed up for podcasts, email newsletters. They’ve read books and magazine articles. They’ve watched podcasts. 

They’ve tried keto, paleo, gone vegan or sugar free. 

They’ve seen a coach, a therapist, and various complementary therapists. 

They may have a cupboard full of supplements, teas, and unused exercise equipment. 

They may have started HRT. Or be talking to their GP about it. 

They have been throwing it all up in the air to see what helps. What sticks.

And it’s all good. It’s part of the exploration of midlife and perimenopause. 

It can be confusing though. You can go down rabbit holes and feel like nothing is working. 

Possibly because you need to step back and see the whole picture. Health, hormones, family, work, beliefs, motivations, habits, history. 

I start with you. 

Where are you now? What feels like the most pressing situation you’d like to explore. And we start there. 

And as we start to make incremental changes and progress, then we start to create a vision for where you’d like to be, and set intentions for greater change. All the while checking in with you. Your needs. What works for you. 

And tracking. Paying attention. Exploring your motivations, beliefs and habits. Some of them don’t need changing, they need encouraging. Some of them no longer fit you. 

Want to explore what this might mean for you? What it might feel like to create your own self-generated and positive midlife wellbeing plan? 

How would it feel to wake up with energy and clarity again? 

Why not book in for a quick call to find out if I’m the right coach for you? 

Lesley Waldron