I don't want to be your last resort

Sometimes my clients come to me when they are at the end of their tether.

They feel overwhelmed and exhausted. They’ve tried all the supplements, the teas and the diets. 

But nothing seemed to help.

And something in my emails, blogs or social media suddenly resonated and they decided to take action. 

And I take them on that journey from exhaustion and overwhelm, to more clarity and energy and self understanding. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to reach overwhelm. 

Sometimes, if you believe you’ve tried ‘all the things’ and nothing has worked you develop a belief that nothing will work. 

And that makes it harder. 

We can do it differently.

I had a client last year who had just turned 50 and felt that she wanted support in knowing how to look after her health well as she approached menopause and ageing. Her mother had been ill on and off for years. Her partner had had a health scare. Her teens were busy rebelling. 

She knew herself well enough that she would get stuck in a rut and keep putting everyone else first until she wore herself out. 

So she asked for help. Before overwhelm hit. 

We created some new strategies for her routine. She explored her working patterns and made some dramatic changes. Delegating became her new favourite thing. 

She hadn’t recognised how foggy her brain had become until she supported her gut health through my 21 day programme and she gained more clarity than she had done in years. Although her inner rebel resisted the idea of giving up her wind down wine for any length of time, she actually reframed the relationship between alcohol and stress. 

She made giant strides in her self understanding, in her wellbeing, and in her business. Her kids even finished their university applications and she started creating a vision for what life might look like as they began to step away from home. 

It was magic. And we made enormous progress because this client wasn’t at the end of her tether. She could see the end…she could feel the possibility of overwhelm but wanted to take action first. 

Health coaching shouldn’t be a last resort.

It has the potential to help you maximise your experience of midlife, of perimenopause. 

I use my knowledge of hormone change, of nutrition, of movement, of rest and sleep to help you. Alongside supporting a positive mindset and strategies for motivation. 

My Wildly Well Woman coaching programme takes you through all these layers in the way that best suits you. 

I help you evolve. You take the action and create the strategies. 

I facilitate. I find you fascinating. 

You lead the way towards feeling wildly well. 

Want to find out more? Read about my health coaching programmes here.

Book in for a call below. 

Lesley Waldron