I am strong but I am tired

Are you experiencing low energy, exhaustion and overwhelm?

I think about 90% of my clients do.

And yet they often feel ashamed, like they should be doing better, achieving more, not wasting time.

There are biological reasons that may connect low energy and perimenopause. Changes in our metabolism, our sleep patterns, our response to stress, our gut health and even those changes in body composition that some find so distressing.

AND there are lifestyle issues too. Working long hours, wanting to do the best for our kids, the desire for a clean and tidy home.

Things we find hard to let go of.

How about if you said to yourself, I am strong, but I am tired, so I am allowed to rest?

How about if you said to yourself, I don’t need to be strong for anyone but myself right now?

That might feel a bit of a leap.

This is often where the big work happens in my perimenopause health coaching. When you start to put yourself first AND see the benefits to everyone around you too.

When you start to allow yourself to do what you need to do for you first it can feel empowering and enlightening.

You can get push back from others

Your family, your boss, your clients, your parents, the communities you’re a part of who are used to you being the strong one, the busy one who gets things done.

But they don’t really want to grind you into the ground. They don’t benefit from your burnout and overwhelm.

They really won’t benefit from the rage you can feel from not having your needs met.

So perhaps it’s time to let go of being the strong one for now. Not forever, but just while you invest in rest, in your wellbeing, in your own self awareness.

Throughout June I’m offering my perimenopause power hour for just £99, so it’s an ideal time to book.

We will dive into your perimenopause experience and your energy and overwhelm and create a strategy that you can easily implement.

You’ll feel listened to, empowered and ready to take action. Even if that action is actually inaction.

Lesley Waldron