Summer self care is a necessity not a luxury!

Here we are, week 1 of the school holidays.

How well are we all looking after ourselves? I’ve had a swim and a massage this week. I’ve also gone to bed too late and tried to cram too much into my days before I head off camping this weekend.

This week  my son had his secondary school summer school, and I am feeling my way into the fact that we are leaving primary school days behind for good. 

Summer will be a transition time for him and for us. And it's my intention that we all thrive. Especially as I have a month's respite from caring for my Mum too. 

Thriving in the summer is more than enjoying a holiday away, and keeping the kids entertained. 

It's about the fact that we can step away from routine and hustle a bit (except if you work in leisure and tourism industries of course). 

In that stepping away we might be able to see where we can improve our self care and wellbeing strategies. What might we need to take off our plate to do so. 

I have a summer planning strategy I do every year, which I've shared on instagramrecently if you'd like some extra tips. See -

If you get a chance to ask yourself these three questions, you might find some useful insights. 

1. How do I want to feel in September? 

2. What do I need to be doing more of now in order to feel that way?

3. What do I need to be doing less of now and in the future in order to feel that way? 

Easy. *

I find it easiest first thing in the morning, with a cup of tea and pen and paper in hand, but they can be a good conversation to have with the whole family too. 

You know where I am if you'd like some help with this! 

Have a wonderful, wildly well Summer 

And if you know that NOW is your time to thrive, but you’re struggling to make time or work out how to focus I've got space for one health coaching client to start this month. Is it time for you to really focus on your wellbeing? Apply here. 

* In case you're interested - I want to feel strong, energised and ready for action in September, so I need to be doing less of what drains my energy like going to bed late, overthinking problems before they happen (with my Mum), procrastinating on boring admin jobs, and more strength training, meditation, and planning ready for the September busy season.