Too tired to sleep?

Sleep is SO fundamental to our wellbeing, but it can be a challenge in our 40s and 50s.

Perimenopausal hormone changes have an impact on our brain and stress levels.

And life is just full of responsibility and endless to-dos.

We can feel like we don’t have time to sleep.

And then when we do get to bed it’s hard to switch off, or we may wake up worrying in the middle of the night.

So, one strategy to try is to add in more rest during the day.

Yes, I know that you’re super busy and finding time to rest feels impossible even on a good day, but allowing moments in the day to rest can help support our nervous system, reduce stress and improve our night time sleep.

Here are some simple suggestions for micro rests during the day.

  • Take 10 deep slow breaths before a meeting, or before settling down to a task. This can calm your busy brain, allow the relaxation response to kick in and reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol. 

  • Lie down - when you get home from work or finish your working day, lie down for a few minutes. Allow your body to relax onto the bed or the floor and feel completely supported by the surface you’re lying on. Just 5 minutes will do. Another strategy to improve the relaxation response. 

  • Sit and sip - enjoy your first glass of water or cup of tea slowly. Sit down and just focus on the drink - not your phone or your to-do list. I can find this hard, so I tend to go out into the garden first thing in the morning, sip my tea and watch the birds/bees and trees for a few minutes (this has the added benefit of getting outside in daylight first thing, which is great for regulating our circadian rhythm and can improve our sleep too). 

  • Listen to a meditation. I love the Insight Timer App - there are guided meditations and music to suit everyone. I like to listen to a positive morning meditation and sometimes a calming one before bed. 

  • Find time to connect with family or friends. Sit down and have a phone conversation or a conversation with your partner. We need connection, and sometimes talking through our day can help us resolve those worries that might otherwise circle around in our heads. 

I’ve recently made my sleep workshop recording available at a SUPER low price of £15 which you can access by the button below!

Lesley Waldron