Why weight loss is a terrible goal for perimenopause and what to do instead.

We’ve been sold a lie about dieting for a long time

Despite decades of being marketed at, diets and weight loss do NOT equal good health. 

It’s a terrible goal in the long term.

But it does make a LOT of money for diet companies

You can lose weight in many ways. Keeping it off and fostering good health are a different matter. 

Losing and regaining weight is really bad for your health.

But - it’s tempting. I know.

It gets a bit harder to maintain a weight that seems normal for you in your perimenopause years, as and you age.

Your body changes even if it feels like nothing else changes. Restriction isn’t the answer. As you’ll see, adding things in is a much better strategy than taking things out. 

A super easy way to start is with knowing yourself better.

 Self knowledge (and tracking) can help - this feels like a revolution to many of the women I work with. To stop tracking weight loss and start tracking how they feel - on a daily basis - energy, sleep, sugar cravings, mood. And then to notice if food - what and when you eat - makes a difference. 

And, on the other side of that equation. Noticing when you’re eating and what prompts it. Are you finding yourself snacking and scrolling, when really what you need is a rest before the next task ahead of you? Are you eating on the move, so it doesn’t even register?

We are all wonderfully different and this matters more than you think.

All of us here will have a different schedule, and different preferences. So if I was to write a perfect meal plan for me, you’d probably be horrified. Just like some of you would enjoy a run in the rain or a cold water swim and others prefer a spin class or hot yoga. We can find nutrition that works for us but working out our preferences (believe it or not you won’t always choose chocolate!)

What do you already know? 

When it comes to me and my nutrition: I know a long fast messes with my blood sugar levels and I get grumpy. I know I need a variety of veg in every meal to keep my digestion functioning well. I know dairy upsets my stomach, alcohol messes with my sleep and makes my head foggy for days, caffeine makes me anxious, wheat makes me really bloated and uncomfortable, and too much sugar messes with my appetite and sleep. I also know I need flavour and variety. I love tart flavours, spice and sour. Bland food makes me dissatisfied. 

What do you know about yourself? About what you need? And what brings you satisfaction on your plate and in your tum?

Perimenopause is an opportunity to know ourselves better and to look after ourselves better - in that order. 

How does your body respond to what you eat? And has it changed?

And what is the impact of stress, cycle, and sleep on the choices that you make?

Why not download my tracker below and see if that can give you some clues…and watch out for my next blog with some perimenopause superfoods!

If you’d like a chance to find out more, here’s a link to a half price offer on my Perimenopause and Nutrition course!